Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Different Angle

Looking up at a Tree at Landa Park, New Braunfels, TX
What do you really see?

In front of me,
There's this really tall tree
Its branches above reaching all around
While I stand below on the ground

I see bits of blue sky
Falling leaves as they flutter by
Branches swaying, with a wind that is barely making a sound
While I stand below on the ground.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Air Show....

Black and White of Airplane Turbine EnginesIn color, the photo above was waaay over-exposed, but I really liked the subject, so I played with some settings in Picasa and found that the B & W setting made the details appear even better.

It's true when they say not to delete your photos until you see them on your just might be able to salvage a few with different settings.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

View from Below

Collage of Airshow at Randolph Air Force Base, TX
Last weekend at the air show, everyone was shielding their eyes from the sun to see the F-22 Raptor in action. And, while the announcer was providing details, the pilot would manuever the plane above the audience.

As it flew past, I took as many photos as I could...determined that I'd be able to obtain a few good photos. While I kept my eye on the sky, it was Brian that pointed out that EVERYone (except that woman who turned at the last second!) had their eyes glued to the sky. So, I snapped a photo of them too. I think it helps to complete the story in the collage.

Just before the Raptor was to perform a fly-by, I put the camera down to cover my ears.  It rattled my ear drums nonetheless as it passed by :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Air Show

This past weekend there was an air show at the local Air Force Base. I'd been looking forward to it all week, knowing that I'd be able practice taking different types of photos.

Airshow at Randolph Airforce Base, Texas

From this experience, I learned that planning what type of photos you want to take is crucial. I used up quite a bit of time tweaking the settings and even changing lenses more than I wanted to, because of the different scenarios we encountered.

Walking through one of the cargo planes, meant opening up the aperture, slowing down the shutter speed...Shortly afterwards, not thinking, and just clicking away, I took the next few photos (outdoors & super-sunny) with those same settings, and came away with WAY overexposed photos, which will not make it on the blog.

Airshow Aerials
I did end up with some really cool photos though, and learned a few things about the history of some of these planes.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gruene Morning

Guadalupe River at Gruene, TXEvery now and then, it's a good idea to "stop and smell the roses".

This morning, I stopped my car in Gruene, TX and took in this view. I walked on the newly built bridge's sidewalk and just stood there. For about a minute or so, I was just listening and watching the water rush by, going under the bridge. A few drivers in their cars drove on by, oblivious or immune to the beautiful view before them.

I've also been like that... too busy to notice my surroundings. It shouldn't be that difficult to stop and really see the world around you. I'm glad I was able to...even if it was just for a moment.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Seasonal Confusion

Oak Treelings
The calendar says November...but the leaves on the trees and other plants seem to scream "Spring". The recent rains revitalized the yard, however, with the cool mornings, and cooler evenings that might not last too long.

With the clock moving back one the time work and any errands are finished, there's not much daylight left. Which means, less time to take photographs outside with any natural light!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween, Working to Death Now maybe, someone will believe me when I say that we get worked to death!

Evil Doll I always feel like...somebody's watching me.

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!