Standing outside of the hotel the last evening of the conference, I was able to capture this sea gull sitting atop the light pole. I was focusing on the boats in the water, hoping that the photo would turn out decent, since I didn't take the zoom lens on this trip.

The following morning, I took a photo of the stairs from the hotel I was staying at. Tile like this was found throughout the city, on interior as well as exterior walls and floors.

One morning I walked down the street to take in the sights during the early hours. The day before, this sidewalk was lined with people, some with artist's easels as they painted or drew the scenic view before them.

It was during this time that John, who is the self-proclaimed 'real mccoy' spoke up and told me about the area, with all the interesting views that I would be able to photograph, like the 200 year old fig tree, the pier and so many other places, BUT....I was there on business and those places will have to wait until I can go back on my own time...whenever that may be.

With the conference over, it was time to come back to Texas...even if it was close to midnight when the plane touched the tarmac. It is good to be home :)
Thanks for sharing these. 'A good portait of John. He seems very at ease and this indicates that you put him at ease as a good photographer should.
I especially like the one of the empty conference room. It has an eery 1984ish vibe to it.
Before leaving for the trip, I had already said I wasn't going to take my camera (one extra thing to haul around) but was easily persuaded once a friend asked to see photos when I returned.
Even my husband stated that the conference room had that eerie 'Tommyknocker' green glow to it - but it wasn't creepy at all!
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