Monday, February 1, 2010

Only in Vegas

Storm Troopers in the Streets of VegasStorm Troopers in the streets.

Red M&M Giant M&Ms
( If only they were edible! )

MGM Lion in Las Vegas, NV Overlooking the strip was a giant lion surrounded by...

Atlas-like statues at MGM Casino Scantily clad men holding up either water bowls or ashtrays.

And, of course, we saw Elvis everywhere,too.
All stages of his life were seen -
young Elvis
old Elvis
skinny Elvis
overweight Elvis
side-burns Elvis
balding Elvis
casually dressed Elvis
rhinestoned, blue suede shoes Elvis


Treble Hook said...

Pretty colors in these. Refreshing. Coincidentally, my photo for today also included M&Ms.

Corina1 said...

I must have overlooked the M&Ms the first time I viewed your photo, but you can't blame me - my attention was on the abandoned coffee cup!