Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On the Cutting Board

I've been intrigued by those who take photos of  food...
either while at restaurants or while preparing food in the kitchen.

A few nights ago, cooking dinner in the kitchen,
I made time for a spare minute or two to take some quick snaps.

As I was cutting up the green onions,
I kept the stringy heads from immediately going
into the trash, keeping them on the cutting board.

I took a few photos on the cutting board,
then moved them to a black plate, which didn't take long either.

The lighting is different from the counter-top to being
under the stove's hood light.

I guess what took the longest time to do was to download them!
Reviewing the photos, I choose these two
below 'cause some of the others
were either too blurry or crooked!

I did add some shadows and cropped the photos a little to cut
out the clutter of the kitchen.
(Hey, when there's a meal in progress, there's bound to be a mess)

Green Onions on Cutting Board
Above, the initial thought was to take a photo to show the depth of field.
I think the photo could have been better if I had added a little bit more
space between them, stretching the lines out just a bit longer.

Green Onions on Black Plate

I like how this photo shows the
different areas of focus...
The right side of the photo is clear, while the left
is a bit fuzzy and the middle
is a complete blur.


Treble Hook said...

Cool experiments in depth of field. Vey unique subject!

Corina1 said...

Thanks :) I find that most subjects are right in my own home or backyard !