Saturday, January 30, 2010

Above It All

I had the opportunity to fly out to
Las Vegas, NV earlier this month and I wasn't
about to leave my camera behind!
Aerial View of Clouds
Clouds look awesome when
you're able to look down at them.
Aerial View of Lake Mead, NV
Beautiful view of Lake Mead.
I wanted to keep the wing of the airplane
in view to provide some perspective.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter Frost

Winter Frost on Ford Mustang GT The start of this week was downright cold...for Texas, my northern friends!
Starting up the car early Monday morning,
I noticed the frost that had spread all over the car
like bacteria in a petri dish.
Ew. I know.
It is now the middle of the week and the temps are reaching a little higher each day,
keeping the frosty virus at bay.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Measuring Up

Black and White Measuring Spoons
Visiting my Grandma last month, she had these measuring spoons on the table
and I had my camera in hand...
Grandma's have such neat things, don't they?!
Looking at this photo got me to thinking about how we measure "things"
There are many more to add to the list of the intangibles.
We all try to measure them...
but how would you know if you have a
¼ or 1 whole teaspoon
of any of the above ?