Thursday, April 15, 2010

50mm Point of View

Behind the Red Rose It's raining today, so I'm using a photo
that was taken a few days ago.

Since I wasn't sure what to shoot, er...photograph,
I decided to take another look at what I had available....
another lens, a different angle and you get a different looking photo!

I swapped lenses and used the
Canon EF 50mm F1.8 II for this photo.
I've had this lens for about 4 months, but
really haven't used it.
The lens is shorter than the kit lens and made
the camera feel different...lighter, I guess.

Of course, once I found my subject to photograph,
and had the camera focused
the wind picked up and the petals were fluttering,
with the whole flower swaying to and fro.

I held the rose to steady it once the
wind died down and snapped a few photos.

After attempting a few photos of the front of the flower,
I found that the back of the rose was more interesting.
with the details of the texture of the petals
and how they curled backwards .

I also liked the bokeh effect of the light through the leaves
in the background. The petals seem soft and touchable,
even on the computer screen!

I'm glad that I was able to take some time to compose
the photo, otherwise, I may have never thought
to try a different point of view.

This photo is SOOC (straight out of the camera),
except to scale it down.


Donna said...

This is pretty! And, I like the new site layout. Snazzy!

Corina1 said... are such willing subjects, LOL