Friday, May 28, 2010

Location: Roadside, Texas

Roadside Flowers in Texas

Lately, I've been experimenting
with different perspectives
when taking photos.

With the photo above,
I hand-held the camera
low to the ground, with the tops
of some flowers brushing up
against the bottom of the camera.

Photo was taken in the evening
alongside a gravel road...
which turned very dusty as we
continued on our way.


Treble Hook said...

Love it. Interesting focus. The lighting is really nice. And the subject is the kind that I tend to seek out: stark contrasts between nature and man-made things. Good work.

Corina1 said...

thanks :) And, I really liked the photo from the car show you posted - this weekend, I'm hoping to attend a car show too (if i wake up early enough, ha)