Wednesday, July 28, 2010

San Antonio Photo Walk

Finally, I have some time to post photos
that I participated in on Saturday,
in San Antonio.

We began the walk in the evening,
so that we were not in the
summer sun for too long.

Our path took us along the Riverwalk,
and by several other landmarks.

I'd like to go back on my own
to "see" what I missed....sans camera.
Sometimes when viewing the world
thru the lens of a camera, you miss out
on some other experiences.

Bus Stop

Torch of Friendship

Riverwalk on the San Antonio River

Fun on Segways

San Fernando Church

Statue of San Antonio de Padua

Evening Sky with the Tower of the Americas to the left

You can visit the Flickr page to view
the group's photos, along with a few more
photos from me.

Looking at the photos from the other photographers,
I found that even though we were at the same
location, taking photos of the same places or things,
each person saw something vastly different than I did.

Not better or worse.
Just Different.

It makes you want to see things differently too.
It was a good learning experience.

Did you participate in the Worldwide Photo Walk?
Leave a link to your photos in the comments -
I'd like to see how you view the world!


Treble Hook said...

These are all very good, Corina. Congratulations on your participation in this cool photo walk. What a great idea. I'm off to the Flickr page now to see the other photos!

Corina1 said...

Thanks - It was fun and hope to do something like this again soon :)

Halina Veratsennik said...

oh so cool to see pictures from other states\cities!!!
I went to the photowalk in San-Francisco. It's really fun to be in the group of photographers and then see images taken from different sides.
I have some images on my Flickr (if you are interested :)) -

p.s. I found you through DIYPhotography comments :)

Corina1 said...

Thanks for sharing your photos, Halina! Your photo, Murals #198, offers a great perspective of a SF street and the city beyond :)